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2505 Larkin Rd #102
Lexington, KY 40503

(859) 277-7721

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Your Resource for All Things Oral Health

At Brewer Family Dental, we believe knowledge is power, so we place a strong emphasis on patient education. The more you know, the more power you have to make good decisions for your oral and overall health. Most folks don't know just how much the two are related! Follow along on our blog for bi-monthly articles, fun facts, tips and tricks for keeping your smile healthy and beautiful for life.

Posted February 13, 2018 / Blog, Dental Services
PDA Marketing

Dental Bridges 101

A hole in your smile is never a positive thing. It negatively affects physical appearance, eating, speaking, and your overall sense of confidence and well-being. Let Brewer Family Dental bridge the gap between where you are with your smile and where you want to be! A missing tooth or teeth can also cause jaw pain […]

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Posted December 27, 2017 / Dental Services
Dr. Kevin Brewer

Baby Dentistry: Teething and Other Joys

It’s easy to think that baby teeth aren’t important. They make their grand entrance (however painfully) and leave your baby’s mouth so soon thereafter. But your baby’s oral health is very important today and to set the stage for a lifetime of health. Let’s talk about those tiny teeth: teething and how to take care […]

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Posted November 27, 2017 / Dental Services
Dr. Kevin Brewer

Senior Dentistry: Embrace Healthy Aging

Someone once said, “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.” How true! It can be disorienting and frustrating to watch your health change with age, but you don’t have to accept poor oral health and tooth loss as just a part of the game. On the contrary, your oral health […]

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Posted June 13, 2017 / Dental Services
Dr. Kevin Brewer

Replace Missing Teeth – Dentures & Dental Implants

So you’re missing a tooth—or a few! An apple a day will not take care of this one, unfortunately. It’s time to consider dentures or dental implants. A variety of personal and practical factors will determine which solution is best for your new smile. Don’t feel lost among all the pros and cons of choosing […]

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Posted May 13, 2017 / Dental Services
Dr. Kevin Brewer

Need a Tooth Extraction? Don’t Be Afraid!

We’ve all had a toothache at some point at some point or another. While you should always consult your Lexington dentist, it’s not always a serious problem. Often, the issue can be fixed with a filling or a root canal. However, many Lexington residents have found themselves in a situation where the tooth is not […]

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Posted April 27, 2017 / Dental Services
Dr. Kevin Brewer

The Benefits of Composite Fillings

Traditionally, dentists have used what’s known as amalgam, or special metal alloys, to fill cavities. However, modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that Dr. Brewer can offer Lexington patients a much better option for filling holes caused by tooth decay: composite fillings. At Brewer Family Dental, we would like to educate you on […]

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Posted December 27, 2016 / Dental Health, Dental Services, Dental Technology, Patient Care
Dr. Kevin Brewer

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth… The Importance of Mouth Guards in Sports Safety

It’s no secret that residents of Lexington love sports! The folks around here work hard and play just as hard, whether it’s football, baseball, basketball, or the numerous other high-impact sports that can cause harm to your family’s mouths. In fact, at least 13% of all oral injuries happen during sports activities. Dr. Kevin Brewer wants you […]

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Posted December 13, 2016 / Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. Kevin Brewer

Crack Down on Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS), also known as cracked cusp syndrome or split tooth syndrome, is a painful condition that results from a crack in one of your teeth. CTS can mean anything from a tiny hairline split in the crown to a fracture that goes all the way to the root. If you have a […]

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