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2505 Larkin Rd #102
Lexington, KY 40503

(859) 277-7721

Replace Missing Teeth – Dentures & Dental Implants

Posted on June 13th, 2017

So you’re missing a tooth—or a few!

replace missing teeth Lexington KY

An apple a day will not take care of this one, unfortunately. It’s time to consider dentures or dental implants. A variety of personal and practical factors will determine which solution is best for your new smile. Don’t feel lost among all the pros and cons of choosing a tooth-replacement plan. Brewer Family Dental in Lexington is an experienced practice you can trust to  help guide you on your journey from missing teeth toward a complete, natural, and healthy smile.

Not your grandma’s dentures

Thankfully, time and technology have greatly improved the denture experience for our patients. Today, dentures look and feel more natural than ever before. Dentures are a whole set of false teeth held into your gums with secure bonding glue. This can be an affordable option if you need to replace multiple teeth. For added stability, functionality, and peace of mind, dentures can also be secured with dental implants.

Added security with dental implants

If you are only missing one tooth, if your jaw isn’t healthy enough for traditional dentures, or you would like to stabilize your dentures, dental implants may be an ideal solution. Dr. Brewer uses 3D CT scans and digital imaging to guide and place implants for a secure and permanent tooth replacement solution. Dental implants are tooth root replacements that help preserve the health of your mouth and jawbone, and serve as anchors for tooth replacements including crowns, bridges, and dentures.

If you are suffering from missing teeth, you don’t have to grin and bear it. We have many different tooth replacement solutions for you to consider. A quick consultation with Dr. Brewer will determine which option is best for you.

Don’t put off dental work that will give you a more confident smile. Everyone deserves to present his or her best self, and a complete, healthy smile is your best asset! Make an appointment with Dr. Brewer in Lexington and ask about solutions for long lasting tooth replacement.

Written by Dr. Kevin Brewer

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