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2505 Larkin Rd #102
Lexington, KY 40503

(859) 277-7721

Mother and daughter hugging


Your Resource for All Things Oral Health

At Brewer Family Dental, we believe knowledge is power, so we place a strong emphasis on patient education. The more you know, the more power you have to make good decisions for your oral and overall health. Most folks don't know just how much the two are related! Follow along on our blog for bi-monthly articles, fun facts, tips and tricks for keeping your smile healthy and beautiful for life.

Posted September 13, 2016 / Dental Health, Dental News, Patient Care
Dr. Kevin Brewer

Choosing the Right Dentist

It’s no secret that Lexington residents are careful about how they choose medical professionals for their family, but sometimes it’s not easy to find everything you want in a dentist. We at Brewer Family Dental understand that choosing a dentist is no small feat, so we’ve put together this guide to picking a dentist for individuals and […]

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Posted July 27, 2015 / Patient Care
Dr. Kevin Brewer

Skin Cancer Protection: Don’t Forget Your Lips!

We know that our patients are smart and you all lather yourself and your loved ones in sunscreen anytime you go outside in the Lexington sun. You wear your sunglasses, and maybe even a wide-brimmed hat. But do you protect your lips? Your lips are very sensitive parts of your skin, and you can get skin […]

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