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Is My Child’s Loose Tooth Causing Them Pain?

Posted on June 27th, 2024

If you’re a Lexington dentist, Dr. Brewer at Brewer Family Dental answers the question, “Does having a loose baby tooth hurt?” and gives advice on handling this milestone.parent or you’re lucky enough to work with infants and toddlers, you know that teething is not the most fun phase they’ll go through. Teeth having to push their way through gum tissue sounds rough, so it’s no surprise that as it happens, your little one will likely be sensitive and in need of more soothing than usual.

Because welcoming those small pearls can feel like an arduous ordeal, you might wonder if losing them is difficult or painful, so let’s talk about it! 

Most children experience the loosening and wiggling of a baby tooth around the age of 6 or 7, beginning with which tooth was first to arrive (usually one of the lower front teeth). Unless there’s a sign of infection, like redness or swelling of the gums around the tooth, the process of it becoming more wiggly shouldn’t hurt.

More About this Milestone

If you’d like more assurance, we can explain how loose teeth should be treated and how you can help your child through what might feel like a scary process at first. 

If you’ve got any questions or would like to schedule a visit for your little one, contact your Lexington dentist, Dr. Brewer at Brewer Family Dental today!

The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Written by Dr. Kevin Brewer

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