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2505 Larkin Rd #102
Lexington, KY 40503

(859) 277-7721

Clear Braces – A New Option for a New Smile!

Posted on August 27th, 2015

New BracesIt’s no secret that regular old braces carry a certain stigma. The brackets, wires, and small, colored bands are clunky and painful, and most people shudder at the thought of having to get them. However, the dentistry of today is very different and Dr. Brewer, your Lexington dentist has options for you, like clear braces, that are less-invasive, nearly invisible, more comfortable, and take much less time. If you have ever dreamed about having a nicer smile, now is the time to visit Brewer Family Dental and find out about the wonderful ways we can help build your confidence with a beautiful smile.

Reclaim Your Smile with Invisalign

Invisalign is modern dentistry’s answer to traditional braces. If you want straighter teeth and a great smile without having to wear clunky, painful braces, Invisalign is perfect for you.

These clear braces were created to give patients a choice that doesn’t involve drastic changes to their daily life. Instead of permanently bonding wires and brackets to your teeth, Dr. Brewer will provide you with a series of custom-made aligner trays designed to gradually and comfortably adjust your teeth over a period of about nine to fifteen months. The trays are clear, nearly invisible, and can be removed for eating and brushing, but still achieve life-changing results.

Dr. Brewer starts the process by taking precise measurements of your mouth with specially designed impressions that are used to create custom-fitting alignment trays. Thanks to superior design and quality of materials, your Invisalign trays won’t irritate your gums and teeth or give you a nasty lisp. Most patients report that discomfort is rare and always disappears quickly. Even better, they are clear, so no one will know you have them in!

Each custom Invisalign tray is designed to be worn for two to three weeks. Because the trays are switched frequently and adjusted throughout the process for best results, the alignment is achieved gradually and comfortably, but still within a relatively short span of time. Most patients forget they are even wearing their Invisalign!

Creating the perfect smile is as easy as wearing your trays. Come see Dr. Brewer at Brewer Family Dental to find out what Invisalign can do for you!

Written by Dr. Kevin Brewer

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